I spoke to someone today via e-mail. I presented the changes and mentioned that these seemed cultic. She told me the society had knowledge of things that we did not and she felt the end was all the moreso closer.
i had a conversation with a pioneer at yosemite national park recently.
she was aware that i do not attend the meetings anymore.
in the past she did not speak to me, but now she did.
I spoke to someone today via e-mail. I presented the changes and mentioned that these seemed cultic. She told me the society had knowledge of things that we did not and she felt the end was all the moreso closer.
i am aware of the new magazines that are coming out in january, r & f and public.
was it said that the new magazines would have more doom and gloom?
what was the phrasing used in the description for the r & f wt?.
I am aware of the new magazines that are coming out in January, R & F and public. Was it said that the new magazines would have more doom and gloom? What was the phrasing used in the description for the R & F WT?
Did they give a reason for the change? (Jah speeding up the work?)
there is a new wt arrangement, the 1935 change, the 30 minute public talk among other things.
some have even said they would stop talking doom and gloom, can someone please confirm this?.
what is the perception of these things among those active in the org?
He's also conceded that if the 'new system' isn't here by the time he's 30, then he will start saving for retirement.
It is scary that your are ENCOURAGED NOT to save for retirement or get an education.
shopoholic is of the opinion that friday's dc talk about obeying/following the faithful and (not so) discreet slave no matter what, is indicative of some dramatic stunt the fds are about to pull.
any suggestions as to what this might be?
No matter what happens, it is the angels doing the seperating work. Those that Love truth vs. those that love the FDS.
i find out that the "sweetest" girl in the congregation is one of the biggest sluts in town!
she was into me, and here i thought she was sincere in the truth and i never made a move, because i was honourable.. i was so lock, stock, and barrel in this cult, so sincere, it makes me sick.
i didn't realise how two-faced and fake everyone in it was until i left and now all the people out are hanging out with the people in!.
i agree with eclipse. when men sleep around they are players, when women do it, they are labeled sluts.
Don't feel bad, life will correct itself like the stock market. ........and you guys act like a slut is a bad thing. Personally I like sluts. They are very kind loving people. We are just so caught up in these labels
obviously many of the wt teachings that we have embraced are not authentic.
do you have any new beliefs that you have acquired since being enlightened?.
i recently saw a video regarding the rapture.
Obviously many of the WT teachings that we have embraced are not authentic. Do you have any new beliefs that you have acquired since being enlightened?
I recently saw a video regarding the rapture. It initially showed how God created the heavens and earth, then it cut to today's times. It highlighed all of the evil in the world, then concluded with a preacher giving a sermon that Jesus could come in a month, he could even come...............
There was a loud noise and his bible fell to the floor. About 10% of the parishinors were left behind. It was based on Matthew 24:30,31. I do not recall anything from 24:23-33 being ever read at the KH. Although we always isolated 24:3-14, 34 and 36.
What are you beliefs on these scriptures, the rapture or any other changes in your belief system?
i have noticed many of my parents friends are slowly passing away.
the daughter of a po told me he became inactive a year before his death because he never thought he would die in this system.
he started smoking and watching porn as well.
It's so weird how the witnesses take the emotion out of real mourning, because of a fantasy that will never happen!
Witnesses have no emotion, we were DRONES. Worldly is bad, Watchtower is good, no matter what, Do as you are told are you can NEVER see anyone u have loved that have died.
What a sick thought process.
it's only my third day here so, go easy on me.
lol.. seriously, my new doubts have made it harder and harder to go in service.
a few months ago, when a new month rolled around, i realized that i hadn't actually gone in service at all the previous month.
My favorite way to cheat on service was to do dummy service. I would put in the time and accurately report that time. However, I aimed to make that time accomplish as little as possible and still count it.
Some ways of doing this:
Seems like a lotta trouble for nothing. Why not stay home or play sports and put down the national average? 8-10 hours.
Wait, I guess that would be dishonest.
how many have become atheist after leaving the organization?
I believe in God and a higher being, just don't have the definition as in the past. Not close to being an atheist.
it's only my third day here so, go easy on me.
lol.. seriously, my new doubts have made it harder and harder to go in service.
a few months ago, when a new month rolled around, i realized that i hadn't actually gone in service at all the previous month.
I have not gone out in over 10 years door-ta-door, yet I am active.
It is NOT a bible command to turn in your time. While a pioneer, many would eat breakfast and count the time. It has no meaning. We do NOT earn our salvation.